Thursday, September 10, 2009

What does it mean for the Church to be missional?

Being "missional" is one of the newest buzzwords in the church leadership circles I run in. Recently I participated as denominational leaders from around the country gathered in a conference room trying to hammer out just it means for the church to be "missional".

A month ago I was interviewed by a national magazine asking me the question, "What does it mean for the River ChristianFellowship to be missional?" Below is my reply.

"Being missional is as easy as seeing a need in your community and doing something about it. Radical missional thinking never allows for the, 'Somebody ought to do something about that' statement to go unchallenged."

"The assumption is that if we are in fact His representatives on the face of the earth and we see a need, our knowledge of that need thrusts upon us the responsibility of addressing the need. Missional thinking always keeps in mind the verse, 'He who knows what to do and does it not to him it is sin.' Jesus has in fact equipped us with all power to address every human need we could ever come in contact with."

"Radical missional thinking operates from the assumption that if I talk to God about what I see in my community, He will supply what I need to meet that very need. Missional thinking never forgets that the church is a prophecy, a future picture of His coming Kingdom. A Kingdom where all are healed and every need is met."

1 comment:

  1. Amen, brother! I have learned that sometimes the need is just to look someone in the eye, smile and say hello. Let them know they exist.

    Your comments make me think of that song asking where His hands and feet are.....
    Lisa Sanders
